Competition Distance Cast

This is a competition distance style commonly referred to as the 170 or Stopless Cast. It’s not just a competition cast, elements of it appear in my Snakehead cast and in fact throughout my casting. The forward grip is excellent for Dynamic Roll deliveries. The stopless cast with a lower trajectory is an excellent into-the-wind cast. And so on.

However as I mentioned in the previous video, the Fishing Distance Cast, it’s important to learn to consistently cast a reasonably long way before you “open up” into the full blown 170/Stopless Casting Stroke, best being around 100ft. And this is because there are important elements that you must master first. In 5WT Competition I normally throw on the third cast. I use pull-back to set the first and second loop, sometimes also the third and then I open up on the last three.

World Championships Finals Norway 2014 (thanks Bernd for shooting this photo) – that’s me casting!

Something I didn’t mention on this video, is that the forward reach prior to pick up will also help straighten your tracking – assuming that you pull the rod tip straight back from the fly line laying on the water/ground.

In the previous video I discussed the need for a long carry for distance casting. In the case of the SA Mastery Expert Distance competition line (the MED) carry measured fly line end to hauling hand needs to be between 86 and 92ft.

Here is a video showing carry practise with 88’6 and 92′ of line while standing on a log. The loops here are considerably more dynamic, having being shot only a few months after the World Championships in Estonia. Also the music is more funky – thanks Zoran!

(unfortunately there is not much body movement for the obvious reason!)

FWIW the rod used in the first video is the blank that has taken me to two World Championship 5WT finals and one in Accuracy. It is the HT6 blank/Instructor 6. The rod used for casting on the log video is the HT10 blank which gave me a bronze medal in Estonia in 2016. We shall see what it creates in Cumbria this year!

It’s an exploration. Bring a fly rod. Designed for you by Paul Arden.

Here is a slow motion video of the 170-Style for further analysis…

(This is a video I often use for teaching).

It wouldn’t be Sexyloops without some credits! I would like to thank very much Casting God Rick Hartman. Casting with Rick revolutionised my distance cast some 14 years ago (has it been that long?!) Both the “Grip-Shift” (Jason Borger named it!) and the Stopless/170-style I learned directly from Rick.

Another Casting Great that I should mention is Jon Allen. I spent years casting and competing against Jon, who has an absolutely wonderful coaches’ eye for casting form. Thanks guys!!!

Got a question? Try here on the Board (there are many competitive distance casters on the Board):

Alternatively drop me an email:

Cheers, Paul