Minimum Power Drill
This is a practise drill. With a short length of line, using the rod tip draw Circles, Figure-of-Eights (or “Infinities” as James Evans points out 🙂 ) and then Straight lines.
As you play with this, watch how the rod tip path is responsible for the loop shapes and also notice the changes in how the rod and line feel.
There is often one hidden advantage to this exercise; it’s very challenging to make the 8-shape using only your wrist and so hopefully this will naturally assist you into bringing your elbow into play.
Have fun!!!
Thanks to Joan Wulff for this exercise. And thanks to Peter Hayes and Matt Howell for pointing me to the hidden advantage!
If you have been following the exercises it might be a good idea now to refresh yourself with both the Triangle Method and the Pick-Up and Lay-Down Cast before carrying on.
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