The original video manual was shot some ten years ago. So it’s certainly time to add some new content. Up to the “outro” video the class was highly structured. My recommendation would be to really practise these videos from beginning to end. There is maybe 3 or more years of training here. The videos that I will be putting up now will be less-structured and can be used as reference. Some will be more advanced, others will be exercises or teaching drills. Finally there will be videos like this one giving small doses of information.
The only time I fully release line on the shoot is for maximum distance casting. Competition distance for example. At all other times I “check” the shoot. This is part of line management.
The use of the Roll Cast to unhook a fly is a practised skill. Do not make a Roll Cast “pick up” ie do not go straight into a backcast. If you are still snagged this can break a rod tip. Instead try Roll Casting again – try more slack like or a different angle. If the fly has hooked around the branch and hooked the leader you will probably still need to pay it a visit.

The rod in this video is the HT8
It is sometimes possible to book me for a Zoom Casting lessons. Email me on for more info.
Got a question? Try asking on The Board. We have an entire section devoted to this manual.
Cheers, Paul