The HT10 PRO


Paul Arden fishing a popper on the HT8



Are you ready for the explosive 4-weight?

Daily Cast

Monday: Andy Dear
Tuesday: Paul Arden
Wednesday: Tim Kempton
Thursday: Martyn White
Friday: Mika Lappalainen
Saturday: Rickard Gustafsson
Sunday: David Siskind
FP Archive

My final page

Monday, 3 February 2025

“So long, and thanks for all the fish!”
– Douglas Adams

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The Oven

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

week I bought an oven online. It runs on the small gas canisters that I already use for cooking on the boat. This is an exciting development in the Battleship beans and potatoes department. And also means I can prepare my annual lasagne, fresh bread and pizza. How times have changed!

Tomorow I’ll be buying oven pans. It is really very exciting. And I’m looking forward to feasts.

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Fly-casting and Injuries

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Follow up to Rickard excellent article on elbow injuries….great advice after the event.

I am compelled to write as I am concerned about the injuries that can be caused by poor casting technique, trying too hard, and misapplication of power.  Fly fishing is an expensive sport, and so the demographic is mainly older folk who can afford it, but are not at the elite casting level.  In our fly casting schools, we ask for several overhead casts, with and without hauling. Usually  nice tight  forward loops and wide, non energised back loops.   Further, the line hand moves in unison with the rod hand…there is no haul…the line hand is going along for the ride.  So poor back cast and little or no haul. Many are trout fishermen however and these casts get the job done.

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Piss Poor Preparation Equals Normal Performance?

Thursday, 6 February 2025

It's been absolutely freezing here this week, but we've also had a decent bit of rain too which has got the river in decent shape for the coming weekend. It's also getting to time for the crayfish to start waking up and the early season smallmouth fishing.

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I finally touch it

Friday, 7 February 2025

Horror week start to be behind. Tractor came from repair last Friday evening and it was helpful as we got some snowing again. Also reindeer feeding is easier when you have tractor to spread silage.
Saturday I had feeling in my tooth which got worst during Sunday. Painkillers was needed. Monday I had to call dentists as feeling was there and not really help from painkillers.

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Fly fishing for herring

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Herring is a fish that is generally treated very poorly. It is trawled for in massive scale just to be ground up as fish meal. The meal is then used for feeding fish farms, pig farms and chicken farms. A bit wasteful, especially when the herring is fished so hard that the herring is pushed back so hard that its number declines so much that it has a big impact on other parts of the ecosystem.

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Navel Gazing

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Rob Gray, in his  book “Learning to Optimize Movement”  writes how gifted athletes differ from the duffers in many respects, clearly, and consistently, in the direction of their gaze. By intuition, training, experimentation, whatever, the skilled performer is looking at the right thing. He writes:

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Ronan's Report

Saoirse Don Phalaistín

Fishing continues, both work and pleasure. It’s been one of the most challenging seasons to date with extreme wind being the hardest factor. Some days I tried to hide from it, other days I went into the teeth of it. I got the desired results most days but they didn’t come easy. With the challenge […]

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Pic of Day