Mika Lappalainen | Friday, 12 March 2021
Days are getting longer fast, sun is rising at 6.38 am and going down at 5.50 pm. Malesia 7.21 am and 7.26 pm, Paris 7.12 am and 6.50 pm. We are cathcing you up and soon it will that our days are longer and longer, and in some point.. no night. It has been chilly again, begin of week it was -32 celsius at night and daytime around -20. Sun is warming up a lot and it can be just -10 celsius at the sun. Summer is coming.
Every evening when walking our dogs around 10 pm, I have been watching stars. It has been clear nights and no moon, so there are no extra lights. And I started to miss nights of August when you are able to fish under the stars and if lucky northern lights.
I do enjoy summer nights without night and fishing without worrying when darkness is coming. Still what I miss most is to sit by the fire next to the river under the stars. There is something special on that. Darkness is surrounding you and it is really easy to let more room to your imagination. Which might be not good thing.
When fishing in dark all the bites and takes feels like big fish and there is different kind of feeling about that. (Bats are flying also which I hate a lot, they try to catch your fly or hit tip of the rod). Until August is coming there is about one and half month winter left, then May which could be spring or still winter. June is almost behind of the corner and season is opening. July will be filled with works around fishing and reindeer. Then it is August, so few months for that. At least June is not far away.
Winter has been kind of flying and despite slow winter and weeks seems to run faster than ever before. It only means that summer is coming faster. I made some casting training when I painted the snow. When it is getting warmer from this, it is time to continue. Past two weeks I have been training new reindeers for sledding. It is kind of like casting, have patience, do not make mistakes and repeat after repeating. In the end you will have great reindeer to pull sled or your casting is great.
Photo was taken by phone last night when longing for summer.
Have a nice weekend
Mika from Finland
Ps if you want to donate for river Kuusinki which I wrote last week, just contact me. I’ll let you know how to do it.