tz flyfishing season greetings

tz flyfishing season greetings

t.z. | Friday, 23 December 2016

Seasons greeting to all! - A very interesting year, was it a good one for you?

This year has been filled with some great and some very strange events. From the Rio Olympics to Brexit, and the American Election you can't say this year hasn't been eventful!

For me it was an very exciting year with lots of fishing and tying. However, Konstanse and me will try to fish more next year and hope to meet many friends by the water and around the campfire.


The little dog on the greetings card is my daughters beagle called

The little dog on the greetings card is my daughters beagle called "Ghandi".
He has nothing mean in his mind (apart form stealing cookies, biting on everything he finds). The picture was taken by my daughter quite a fotografer in her own rights I would say - just look at her instagram and you´ll agree - caropsis .

I am looking back at 80 frontpages I contributed. I just looked it up. I hope you liked what you have read so far. :-) I write what comes to my mind, based on what I´m tying there and than. It´s great that sexyloops & Paul does allow for such spontanity. As Steve Jobs once said - one does only see the dot´s line up when looking back.

I feel that I would like to get more people to tying, and specificly tying simpler flies. Flies for fishing that is. So I have compiled 20-something the articles in a more logical, coures like fashion. They can be found on under fly tying school. The articles can be commented and question asked. You need to sign up (join - become a friend) for the password though, otherwise these comment fields are quickly cluttered by russian models selling sunglasses. Signing up before january 2cnd also secures you a place i the weekly flybox raffle ... so hurry up. ;-) This is all for free. I believe a good flyfisher is also tying his own flies and doing this based on what he / she finds in nature. Thus leading to a better understanding of the nature they fish in. I hope that this leads to more protective behaviour for nature. One tends to love more deeply what one understands and of course protects what one loves.

For the next year Paul will start to promote the flies Konstanse and I are tying. It´s a very limited selection. We really only tie ourselves and than only the patterns we fish. In the last 2 years these flies have been sold directly tfrom our own webshop and via They became quite a success despite the very realistic prices. i say realistic as we base the pricing on the time we use per fly.

There´s lot´s in the pipeline - but most important - Let´s make 2017 a peace- and joyful year.

We, Konstanse & I wish you a pleasant a peaceful holiday season.