Paul Arden | Monday, 1 June 2020
This will be quite a long FP since I have two articles, one from Gavan Hennessy, who's been living and fishing in California for some years now, and another from Carol of Colorado Fly Fish on Catch and Release practises, a video from Lee on teaching his Triangle Method, all of which I shall be uploading throughout the morning and linking to in a wildly exciting and organic page that evolves while you are reading it....
But first a call for some help!
Last weekend i visited Sungai Tiang village to chat about the Sungai Tiang Fly Fishing project. I talked about this project last week and also more here on the Board and from these pages you can see that we are in need of sponsorship to get this project started. It's a challenging time to approach manufacturers although I am approaching MANY! :D But COVID-19 is a problem because many of the manufacturers are shut and have been for several months. I'm sure that you can imagine the havoc this is causing. (We at Sexyloops are open by the way - i just thouight I would mention that!). However this is a bigger project that Sexyloops can sponsor alone. I will be providing a 5WT HT prototype, lots of flylines and fly tying equipment, material and vises, but that just a small part of everything that we need.
So if you have anything at all that you would like like to contibute, then we would be most grateful. I'm thinking rods, reels, fly tying. Even old boots, nets and forceps. Everything and anything (no socks). If you are like me you will have a storeroom full of fly fishing gear that you never use. From time to time you clear out that old stuff. I believe that the average fly fishermnan has something like 23 fly rods, but only uses a couple! We will gladly take your old fly rods! Mostly Mahseer fishing is 3-7WT territory. But there are also Jungle Perch and they live right on the banks of one of the best Giant Snakehead fisheries in the world (8-10WT). So everything and anything! :D
Bill Gammel is kindly sending us a complete fly fishing outfiit, one of our readers - Mike, near Niagra Falls - is sending us a fly tying vise, Flavio is sending over some fly boxes, Viking Lars is tying flies! Please send everything as marked as a gift and with zero value for customs! The address is to use is:
Sungai Tiang Fly Fishing Project
Attention Paul Arden
Tingkat 1,
Kompleks Bangunan Kerajaan Negeri Perak,
JKR 341 Jalan Sultan Abdul Aziz,
33300 Gerik,
Please email me on to ask any questions or let me know what to look out for - tracking numbers etc. If you need a phone number for your package you can use my Malaysian telephone number +60 19 854 9552 (But please don't try ringing me; I never use my phone for actually talking!)
Gavan Hennessy is one of our Sexyloops regulars, orginally from Corrib he moved to San Francisco and instructs at the Golden Gate Casting Club. Here is a article on an absolutely stunningly beautiful river...
Following some discussions on the Board about the evolution of Catch and Release in Game Fishing, Carol from Colorado Fly Fish has sent me this excellent PDF presentation on Catch and Release Best Practises. I think you'll find this to be an excellent read and I hope that you will share -
And last but certainly not least, Lee Cummings recently uploaded a video of his Triabgle Method of teach fly casting. I think Lee must havd showed me this well over ten years ago now and every time we had a Sexyloops Meet in Scotland we asked him to demonstrate it again! It's was originally combined teaching of Joan Wulff and Bill Gammel - I'm not sure how either of them would feel about that! - but I really do like the way that Lee presents it. WIth his permission I've embedded the video in the Sexyloops Video Manual on this page - making this the first guest video to appear in the manual! Thanks Lee!! :)
I hope that everyone has a great day. Lots of reading and please think of the Sungai Tiang project. Thanks!!
Cheers, Paul