triple trouble?

triple trouble?

Martyn White | Thursday, 6 April 2023

We're entering into a bit of a lull here with the bass about to start spawning, the carp & barbel already getting into it already.There's still seabassing to be had, but it's not great at his tim of year. So it's a good time for sorting gear, planning trips and talking fishing.

Haiwaiian Dave and I are trying to put a trip together, but the logistics are tricky what with work, other commitments. Plus I'm probably going to be back in Scotland this summer, which will be full of fishing but prevents a summer tri elsewhere. So we're looking at something a bit closer to home. Exploring options in Japan has actually been one of the upsides of the whole pandemic, and we've got another new one that's not too far away and is quite ecxiting.  There's a guide, who usually targets flats snapper out west, in Shizuoka who's started targeting triple tail off shore.  I had no idea there were triple tail in Japan, apparently it's a relatively untapped fishery too so shouldn't be exessively pressured.  The other upside is that neither of us has even fished for, let alone caught a triple tail.   It ticks plenty of boxes, so with a bit of luck and logistical trickery we'll get over there this year.