Training and loop morph (or triathlon and the Tri-taper)

Training and loop morph (or triathlon and the Tri-taper)

Paul Arden | Monday, 17 June 2019

I’ve had a few weeks of Sexyloops work, Board discussions and have started triathlon training. I figure that we have a choice as we get older. We can either get old, slow and have our bits fall off... or we can stay fit. Lately I’ve been enjoying the bike - it’s much less impact on the knees than running and I’ve covered a lot of miles in my life in running shoes.

My first triathlon was when I was 28 in Noosa, Australia. I had watched a race and thought “I’d like to do that.” Problem was I couldn’t swim at the time, well not properly, and so I immediately joined a swimming club - which was one of the best things I’ve done as an adult. The next year I wasn’t too slow either and my first 1.5/40/10 Tri was 2hrs 21mins and my second, a year later, was 2hrs 15mins. Not too bad - slow through the water but fast on my feet!

And then I stopped! Much later, I fancied getting fit again and finished 3 Ironman events in Hungary, all about 10-15 years ago. Not very good times to be honest, but it’s a hard distance. Last year I did a 1/2 IM with my sister in Portugal, without any training, and she beat me. This year we’ll also be doing a 1/2 IM, this time in France and I started training a few weeks ago. Apparently I have learned from last year’s lesson. 

It’s an interesting sport; three disciplines, which helps give variety to training and I always figured that multi-sport was great for all-round fitness. Most triathletes come from a cycling background. Mine came from long distance running, which I found a love for during in my rugby days.

We will see how it goes this time. Training in the jungle is difficult - there are few established running trails. But we are planning on buying a houseboat soon and then I can at least mount my bicycle on a turbo trainer and train on the boat after dark. Perhaps that, a kayak, some limited jungle running, a weights bench, a chin-up bar and “lake swimming with Snakehead” will all keep me fit.

I’ve never been any good at keeping things in balance; what I am very good at is obsession!

Today, following recent comments by Bruce Richards on the MED taper, as well as various Board discussions on line tapers and angular momentum, I will be casting the Sexylops “Tri-taper” (see attached photo).

Following a night spent with scissors, flytying thread and UV glue, I now have multiple 4m sections of 4, 6 and 9WT lines with loops on each end, as well as a separate front taper (cut from a 6WT line). I will mix up the order that these are placed together, creating a TT style taper, a reversed TT taper and other tapers of interest. I will cast these variations alongside another line (probably a Tropical MED5 - because that’s what I have handy), together on the same rod. This gives us a “control” line to cross-check results. 

Ashly will film the morphing loops and I’ll post them on the Board via one of our YouTube channels.

Incidentally, also later today (and for the next few days), I shall be writing to all of our Hot Torpedo Owners. We want to hear from your rod as part of the Sexyloops competition this year!

And finally, next year, we are planning a Sexyloops Gathering - potentially in Bosnia. If you are interested in joining us, then here is where to check.

Cheers and have a great week!

PS today's POD - a bike dressed with the Tri-taper.