Too Sexy

Too Sexy

Paul Arden | Wednesday, 5 April 2023

Firstly I’d like to say that if you are expecting an email from me and haven’t received one (and are not trying to tell me that I’ve won a lottery I haven’t entered, sell me viagra or want a paid link on Sexyloops linking to a casino) then please check your email filter! My email addresses and, now recently, appear to be getting blocked from time to time. This week I’m going to work on the belumflyfishing domain I have had for a while now and will start using this email when I suspect emails are not arriving as they should be. Just too sexy I suppose! I can also be reached via WhatsApp on +60198549552

I do answer every email!! And usually within 24hrs.

I’ve been very busy with my Zoom course students recently (well, busy for me). I have 17 students on 12 session courses which are normally spread out over about 6 months or so. Quite a few of these are rebooking afterwards as well. This is of course the absolute best way to train I think. Imagine the advantages of having a coach every fortnight, or month, in your regular casting spot. And of course I’m available to answer questions that come up between sessions. Typically I give one or two coaching sessions per day. As daylight length increases in the USA (and as temperatures warm up!) I will will be able to give a couple of coaching lessons in my early mornings and consequently quite soon I can probably take on a few more “athletes”!!

The fishing has been challenging this past week.  I was tied down at the start of the week helping Ashly with her MBA thesis. A fair bit of “proof reading” was involved there! And at the back end of the week I went to an area I like to fish. There were sets of babies around but the parents had obviously been fished for quite hard and were extremely cagey. I got a few follows but no cigar moment. I really need to get down south and fish the more remote parts of the lake. How to do this with all the lessons I have is a difficult question :))) I’m going to clear a two day window, shoot down in the Rocket C and overnight down there. If it rains I’ll have a problem :))) Although I do have a coarse fishing umbrella! Problem solved! Oh what fun that’s going to be!

We have been busy with building HTs and I think we have actually almost caught up now. So if you are after what is arguably the finest fly rod available to man, then drop me an email and we can discuss your custom built Sexyloops HT :)))

Ok I’m in town. It’s raining and I have a 20Km run planned for today. Fun fun fun!!

Have a great week.

Cheers, Paul

PS I have a video that Nick and I made on learning to cast 70’. It’s part of a forthcoming series. I just need to finish the damned editing.

And PPS I’m planning a trip to the east coast to catch some Barramundi. I have a friend there, Marcus, who is very persuasive and tells me I should come and as soon as possible!! And I need to check it out for the TV show. Mind you that’s not my primary reason for going :D