Mika Lappalainen | Friday, 30 April 2021
This morning I got good or even great idea about trip for May. Instead of ice fishing we could go after sea trout. I know few good areas in Norway. I got good offer about camper for few days etc. So I decide to check if there is any regulations about going Norway nowadays. Of course there are, you need to have test, quarantine etc. So my great idea crashed before it really got any wings. So maybe it could be back to ice fishing planning. This will be short info how you can support our unique trout population in Kuusinki river.
As I told earlier there is plan to close damn. There are some national money in and some big benefactor allready involved. Association got permission for gathering money in the end of last week so now anyone can be part of this. Money will go on closed account so it is impossible to use money for any other purpose than redeem damn. So when you want support our unique trout and home river for them please donate.
Payee: Kuusinki kuntoon ry
account: FI1551940720230874
amount: it is up to you
message: Kuusinkijoki (and if you want that your name is on the donors list, add your name also)
I challenge Paul and all of you who write weekly FP’s to donate something. I will donate 10% from coming summers guiding to this. As they say every penny counts.
Next week is also interesting because there is web meeting where they will let us know how us fishermen think about fishery in our bigger rivers and what kind of requlations we would like to have. At the same time water owners will open about fishing rules for coming summer. I’m not really holding my breathe, but still looking forward if some of the fishing rules would come on modern world.
Have a nice weekend
Mika the Legend
Ps. FP photo is something nature has done, don’t let your dirt mind take over you