Viking Lars | Saturday, 7 July 2018
Summer is blazing away here in Denmark, thankfully with slightly lower temperatures and more wind than a few weeks ago. It's so dry here that there's a nationwide ban on bonfires, coal grills etc. because of the danger of setting a wildland fire.
So it's time to turn the attention to some of the species that actually like the sun and the heat. The sea trout don't, and if you want to catch them, it's during the night (where the fishing can be great), but on may good spots, you'll be competing with spear fishermen with string lights for the same fish.
Mackerel, however, you cab have for your self, especially if you have a float tube, a pontoon boat, kayak, a small boat - something that'll keep you floating.
They're not huge, but they are strong. A kilo fish is big, but if you scale down the tackle (I use a 5-wt) you can really have some fun. A fast sinking line and sandeel imitations and you're on. A second rod with a floater can be handy if they're suddenly at the surface.
The fishing is clearly best during the evening, and on some spots, especially if you're on Jutland's west coast, you also need high tide. And let me tell you, there are few things that beat an evening on a calm sea in a pontoon boat with porpoises rising (they also like mackerel and do tend to scare the fish away, but I'm being holistic), sea gulls everywhere diving for the scholls of sprat the mackerel chase to surface, the company of good frinds, maybe a cold beer, maybe a sunset depending on where you are.
It actually has become one of my favourite kinds of fishing lately.
Have a great weekend!