spring update

spring update

Mika Lappalainen | Friday, 19 March 2021

It has been excatly one year when we our first lockdown started in Finland. Now we are in lockdown kind of again. Normally in this time of year we would be planning our ice fishing trip and other nice things after busy winter. Not this year even it was not busy winter. We have been doing lot of other things instead and there are things to do.

So it will be two years in row that we are not going to our icefishing trip to Sweden. Last year it was not delayed because of covid, instead we decided to go Paris and that was delayed because covid. This year ice fishing in Sweden won’t happen, instead we have small plan to go northern part of Finland for ice fishing. I have allready some ideas but let’s see how things are going after lockdown. Anyway next year my goal is still to visit Paul. (fingers crossed)

We have been doing ”film shooting” for our new product called reindeer talk. It will be virtual programm where you can see one of our reindeer normal day during the winter time. Originally launch date was next Monday, but people who are working around that need more time for editing. So new date is in end of March. I’m looking forward to that, I have allready idea about other one also. Reindeer talk will be nice because now when you are not able to travel you can still have winter experience with reindeer.

Yesterday I took some reindeer meat from freezer and during the weekend it will be time to salt those. After salting I will hang them out and mother nature can do her thing. It will super snacks for summer after hanging outside about 2 to 3 weeks. It is kind of jerky but much better.

Also this spring time is good time to train new reindeer for pulling for sledge. Each day I will take 2-5 reindeer for walk. Now we are in that point that they will have empty sledge to pull. Next step will be that I start to drive them and that will be blast.

Today it was typical spring weather. At night -20 celsius and day -5 celsius. Sun is warming when shining but today we had some heavy snowing now and then. Between snowing some sun shine. It is one of the signs that spring is coming.

Also people start to ask about guiding for summertime and that is best sign. I’m still planning our summer fishing trip but I have to wait how things are going with covid. Anyway Pyörisjärvi is possible in all the cases.

This was short update from north.

have a nice weekend

Mika from Finland

Ps. our reindeer walk better in leash than our dogs