Sloe Gin

Sloe Gin

Tracy&James | Thursday, 15 December 2016

Last weekend, I observed a fishing competition at our local trout fishing lake. Competition fishing is not something that has ever interested me as I fish to relax, enjoy the surroundings and wildlife and if I catch, that’s a bonus. (I tend to only compete at fly casting.)

Those who had entered the competition had a fun day, socialising with other anglers and having a break when they felt like it. The organisers brought round sloe gin and mince pies during the event, which seemed to perk up everyone as the catch rate went up; James certainly caught more after they gave him a rather large measure of sloe gin! This seems much more appealing to me. Overall the anglers seem to enjoy the comradery, discussing tactics and comparing outfits and fly boxes. Although observing was very enjoyable, walking around the lake several times chatting with the competitors and discussing tactics, gaining the knowledge of what was working and what wasn’t and passing it on to others. However when I saw moving fish on the surface or ‘head and tailing’, I was so tempted to grab a rod so perhaps next time I’ll join in just for the fun of it!

This weekend we’re off to North Wales for Christmas where hopefully I’ll get my belated birthday nymph fishing on the river Dee for grayling! As well as packing our 3wt outfits for the river we’ll also be taking our casting gear with us, so everything from a #5 through to the monstrous T120.  At the back of my parents’ house there is a great field for practicing, this has views down to the sea and the array of wind turbines that are placed just off-shore.  It is therefore renowned for a consistent breeze – none of the swirly conditions that the BFCC ‘loves’ to cast in, as such both James and I have set many personal bests there.  With the casting competition rule changes I need to work on what outfit I am going to cast and in what wind.  I’m happy with my #5 outfit, although obviously I’d like to cast it further Smile, but there are options for the #7 e.g. 9ft or 10ft rod – soft, stiff or bargepole options.  Hopefully a winner will emerge out of the various permutations (although more likely it’ll just add to the confusion).

I’ll also be working on my ST27 shooting head casting.  Currently I have 3 lines to choose from, between 50ft and 70ft in length.  At the moment the 70ft line is a bit of a struggle (it’s the equivalent of picking up the fly from 95ft), I can do it but I’d like to produce more speed with it.  Carrying this amount of line is definitely improving my full line casting though.  Again there are rod options to consider, my current PB is with a 9ft rod and the 50ft head – I’ll be interested to see if this is still the case after Christmas.

Whether you’re entering a fishing competition, just fishing or casting, have an enjoyable weekend,

Tracy  Wink

fog 1

James fish

JT talk apron

Karen fish

Martin fish

sloe gin