Preparing for a tropical saltwater trip

Preparing for a tropical saltwater trip

Bernd Ziesche | Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Flies, leaders, lines, backings, reels, rods and much more - all that needs to be planned in detail right now. The fish we will be after can get pretty large and are very strong fighters. That doesn't leave any room to not have our equipment updated and best possible prepared.

We (my friend Holger and I) are now having tied a lot of flies matching to fly fish for Tarpon, Permit, Bonefish, Jacks, Roosters, Mahi Mahi and more. So we are quite flexible to change, if one species of fish doesn't want to get linked to us due to weather-based bad conditions for example. Our main fish to fish for will be Tarpon!

On March 7 we will leave to central america and then have some weeks to hopefully catch a few proper fish. A few means two? Yes, one Tarpon each and we will be happy with the trip. Catching expectations are maybe the only thing we did not put in our bags. 

We have all different kinds of fly lines from floating to fast sinking ones, many different leaders and many flies ready. Our reels are spooled with huge amount of strong backing and of course we have some strong back up fly rods ready as well. All in all we are well prepared, I think!

In regard of our Tarpon-leaders we decided to stay away of IGFA rules matching leaders but to add a breaking point being little weaker than the fly line and simply being breakable in case we have to break off a big fish. That can be the case when a shark will go after a hooked fish or when we get tangled in the line for example. I think it's pretty smart to not get linked with a tremedous strong fish without being able to break the leader. 

In between Manja and I have been distance casting. Distance casting is always a lot of fun to me since a lot of key points come together here. So my casting is in excellent conditions now. :) Can't wait to take off!

Fine week to all of you!

All my best


Some pictures ;) ...

flies for tarpon, bonefish and permit