Mika Lappalainen | Friday, 5 April 2024
Easter was relaxing break for us. Well we did few casting sessions and spent lot of time to explore and planning our coming holiday. Flights are finally booked and most of "plans" have been made.
We are justing waiting that spring would come and we could release reindeers back to wild for summer. Monday was just snowing, some you could say... we had 35 cm/14 inches new snow. So my Tuesday was snow work for whole day. Satu did some casting drills, like walking in the snow and keeping line in the air.
Days are truly getting longer, last week dark was coming around 7.30 pm and now it is more like 8.45 pm as sun sets 8.13pm. Days are over 14 hours as sum rises 6am.
Afternoons are great as we have sun shine, temps are 0/32 and with sun warming is easy to practise. Nights dropped cold again last night -20c/-4F and coming night will colder as forecast is -23c/-9 F.
We are training/teaching young male reindeer to pull sleigh and I have been test driving them. One of the best things man can do with pants on.
We have a lot of things to do and to finish before holiday. Next week will be filled with preparations and taking care of ice fishing group for two days, it will be around 20 person.
So spring is coming but it is not here yet.
Have a nice weekend
Mika from Finland
Ps. My April's fool is still going: facebook update: Next month I will turn 50, it is beautiful number as zero is roundish as my athletic body and 5 is my mental age. So I will celebrate this beautiful number in big time. Welcome to party, more information closer.