Daniela Misteli | Sunday, 5 August 2018
As everywhere else the hot summer weather let us not only sweat... the water level in many small streams is that low that the local fishing clubs had to start rescue actions and fish with electricity to save the few left fish in the small pools and bring them to bigger rivers or deeper pools. Many local clubs even "closed" the river not only for fishing even for swimming. But not even the big rivers are a safe home for fish, the rising temperatures are only 1-2 degrees away from what we had in 2003 when the half population of swiss grayling died. The good thing about the "fish-situation" is that television, radio and print media found some "food" and write about every day. So people start to realize in what bad situation our water is and even 2 of our nuclear power station have to reduce their production because they heat the river water to much. So we're looking forward to rain and maybe it's a chance to get some chance in the future...
For us it means, no flyfishing at the moment but we passed our hunting license last week and I'm now allowed to go for my own flytying material in the future
At the hunting school I had the possibility to take a look at hunting with birds of pray - how cool to let one of this fly around and feed. Fore sure i was "stealing" some feathers, so I'l fish soon with eagle owl feather-nymphs
I hope you have more luck with the weather and fishing!
Best from hot Switzerland