Mika Lappalainen | Friday, 5 July 2019
I found this knot in end of 1990’s from flyfishing magazine. I think it was fly tying & fishing or something like that. It is really simple knot and I have use it since that when fishing grayling and trout. Dries, nymphs, wets and even with small streamers. Tippets from 0.12 to 0.28, monofil. I have memory that it was called mexican knot but I wouldn’t bet my head for that. It is easy to tie even in dark and it had hold really well.
So here it is knot I use most when fishing. (Cable coming from up is coming from rod, and photo no 3 is not fully tighten yet)
- Make a loose knot
- Put line thru eye
- Come back with line twice against where you came out from first knot
- Run knot almost against eye by tighten from tippet which is going to rod. If it is not running tighten knot little bit from end of tippet
- Get knot wet and tighten from end of tippet. If it is slipping you went wrong way after eye.
I always leave small loop between eye and knot. I think fly is moving more naturally when it is not tighten to tippet.
Like any other knots you should test them with your line/tippet before you go in real action. There was one tippet material which was not working with that knot and I stopped to use that tippet. During the years I haven’t loose many fish because of this knot. I have found this one very usefully especially when getting older and having some problems to get tippet thru eye. Like they say: KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid
Have a nice weekend and enjoy fishing
Mika from Finland
Ps. I used my daughter’s charging cable to demonstrate knot. And sorry about numbering... but you get idea