my dear deer hair fly

my dear deer hair fly

t.z. | Friday, 16 February 2018

Oh my dear deer hair fly. I really love this pattern. It is so versatile and can be fished for so many different hatches. Pretty much anything from small to larger caddis flies and it even seems to be taken as a mayfly. Tie a slimmer wing and a darker body and the finned fellows take it as a stonefly or even a terrestrial.

However, as a novice fly fisher I really struggled with getting the wing securely fixed onto the hook, but the small trick of cutting the deer hair wing to length before tying it on saved me. Thanks to Hans Weilenmann, whom I learned this from many, many .... many years ago.

The video below is in very hi-speed to keep it under the one minute instagram limit for video. I find these hi-speed vids interesteing for various reasons. It's amazing how much information can be communicated in such a short period and it allows for watching the process several times in a very short amount of time. Subconcious learning is something I like very much. I personally have a hard time following long explanations, but learn very quick by just watching a process in real time. The videos in the iBook are very close to real time, and are around 3 minutes in average. On top they feature undertext. 

The shown fly is part in the free sample of the book, but be aware of the "extra speed" due to the instgram time limit.


Screenshots from the book:

Screen Shot 2018-02-14 at 23.12.10

*"interactive" is an autom-zoom image with additinal information visible when the tags are clicked.

Screen Shot 2018-02-14 at 23.12.21

(c) t.z. - 2018


Written by 
Thomas Züllich, or - “t.z.” as most call him - is a German flyfisher & flytier living in Norway. His flydressing is based on old traditions as well as very modern and innovative methods of creating flies. 

Thomas is the author of "Fly Tying - Modern Classics for Trout and Grayling which is availbale on iTunes -