Making winter

Making winter

Mika Lappalainen | Friday, 6 December 2024

Past weeks has been extinguishing fires. Some bigger but mostly small ones and every day. Or it depends how you think about. We have had snow and then not and then yes. It didn't really matter before Sunday, when everything change.

Last week we fixed trails with natural snow, we gather it from here and there, and were able to have 1,5 km reindeer sleigh trail. Sunday we had first groups and everything was working nicely and season was open officially.

Monday morning we woke up in middle of shit and autumn. During the night weather went to +4 and heavy rain. All the work we did earlier was for nothing. Most of trail lost snow and only 400 meters from 1500 meters was holding snow.

Forecast didn't show any snowing for next weeks and our Spanish season is on. I got tip that maybe airport has some snow as they clean runway and put it on side on huge pile. I made few calls and got permission to get some. Then organized transportation and we got 3 full trucks (with trailers) snow, totally 102 cube meters, as it was wet and melting I would say 90 cube meters.

So Monday evening we had hope that matbe we can do trails as it started to go back colder and Tuesday morning it was almost - 10 celsius. I took tractor and spread most of snow before going reindeer slaughter. Satu's son came to finish spreading.

Wednesday we got help from our friends, as they came to finish work with us. We drove hard snow/ice balls in parts which didn't have any snow and I used snow plower from tractor to make snow.

We were able to cover our 1,5 km trail and 300 meter trail with snow. Well 1,5 km is our normal trail but it will go until we get more snow to cover some parts. Now I really hope some snowing as we can't get snow from anywhere anymore, unless we get machines to make snow.

Thursday we had groups and everything was running smoothly. So we had to make our own winter as nature couldn't.

Also this week one Finnish fly fishing magazine came from press with article about fishing in Malaysia. Next move is translate it in German and see if we can get it out also in Germany. Little panic in begin of the week. If I can't find solution, nobody can't. And we all know one mystery of life which will never be solved.

Have a nice weekend and go fishing


Ps. Happy independence day Finland as it is 6.12.