local tv news and nail design

local tv news and nail design

Daniela Misteli | Sunday, 18 February 2018

I had the funny question if I would talk about fishing on the national TV daily show this week. So I met the TV team at the river and "fished" for them. Maybe the withe sneakers weren't the best choice for outdoor but they did a good and after 3 hours, repeating each step a few times we're done for 1 minute local tv news. And last week my new uv nail studio lamp arrived....

Because I tie a lot with UV glue, in streamers, nymphs and other funny buildings I have many broken UV lamps, a lot of empty batteries and always being careful with the eyes. Now I've heard a lot about these UV boxes for the nail design studios so finally I bought one :) here my feedback. 

This little box was very cheap, around 20 euros. Okay she looks also cheap it's only plastic and she will not consider infinity but the four lamps are bringing the UV light around the fly and the UV glue dries out fast. In fact of the power connection I don't need so much batteries and the nice little red button on it means 120 seconds light and then switch off. So I can also just start it and walk away. 

So I like it and happy about the new gadget in my tying room! 



