It’s been busy!!

It’s been busy!!

Paul Arden | Tuesday, 12 April 2022

First up, if you haven’t heard, the flycasting world championships are to be held in Noway this August 10-14th. Norway is a super venue and I have always enjoy my time there. It’s fantastic that they have picked up the running of this event again. It’s obviously a huge amount of work and I’m hoping that one day we can host the event here in SE Asia too.

More details here:

I’ve been busy all week finishing the Battleship to make it worthy of guests. I have built a foldable double bed unit into the front, for those who don’t want the hammock or camp bed options! My first International guest in over two years, arrives in two week’s time. So we finally have completed the boat, bought a 12V fridge for beer and I’m busy now cleaning up the Ronan because Dirk also wants to spend some time fishing on his own, as I would too!! I stuck a new Yamaha 15HP on the back last week and have been running it in since. Now I have to find a new thruster motor. It seems Minn Kota is now impossible to buy in SE Asia, so I’ll get to test out one of the Chinese home brands!


I was out chasing Gourami last week. I had a lump eat my ant but didn’t set. 10-12lbs at least. I don’t know why it didn’t set. And I spooked a smaller one (about 3-3.5KG), that was up on small Termites yesterday morning, by putting the cast a little bit too close. The TV producers want to make Gourami episode (it will be the best one!) and left me the latest GoPro to film some fish action if they weren’t here. Last year this was impossible with lockdown timings. If I can at least stick a few this week and get some footage, and mark down the locations of some more, then we have a good chance next week of catching one when they are here. I’ve been offered a bottle of single malt for every one I catch on camera when they are here. That sounds like a great plan to me! Chuan once landed six in three days with me, so maybe I should invite Chuan up :)))

Lee is very busy in the UK. Three new HT5s went out last week. We still have about ten rods on back order, three were waiting for the wooden reel spacers from Hungary. These arrived in the UK yesterday. It’s good to be busy! Thank you!!


I currently have 8 Zoom Casting students on courses. I can handle two more. My cap is ten, particularly going forward now that borders have reopened in Malaysia. So if you are interested in developing your flycasting skills then please send me an email.

Fishing/hosting trips here in Malaysia I’m now pretty much booked solid apart from June, which I’m currently keeping clear for the TV show. October/November/December however is all free and we are open for bookings. These are prime months for Snakehead Adults with the babies, we also get free-risers. We can find Gourami but less so. It’s definitely prime time here in Malaysia but bring a raincoat :)))


It’s nice to feel that I’m actually working again! Now I’m going fishing…

Have an awesome week.

Cheers, Paul