Mika Lappalainen | Friday, 7 April 2023
Sunday I had my first casting session for this winter. Plan was have more but mother Nature made own decision. Monday wind was starting to raise and it was two insane windy days. So it was impossible to do casting. And same time it meant snow work for me.
Thursday it was again nice, beautiful sunny day. I started to do my basic morning work, two cups of coffee (don't talk to me before I have had at least one), then rushing to do snow work after night snow fall. Feed the reindeer, clean solar panel from Nook, maintain and fix reindeer trails before first group is coming at 10. I was kind of early ready and had time to take third cup of coffee. Satu has baking day so I asked from Satu's son Niklas how he wants that we run groups today.
I was told that it is my day off, so do what ever you want except help with one, kind of furious reindeer, when driving. Really, day off... So I did some my own things, helped with reindeer when it was time to drive that one. Then I set up rod and reel, and did some training. My elbow is still a wreck and I do have to compensate, yet it was better than Sunday. Niklas saw that I'm casting, now Mika has totally loose his mind. That was his comment, Satu told that Mika is just having bad withdrawal symptoms.
I really enjoy these short casting sessions, I film casting and watch them. When casting I feel and see from line that something is wrong or should be different. From video I see what it could be, so I can do small adjustments to my casting.
I have plan that this evening I finally go do casting in dark with Thunderbolt lumiline. I have trained with it and it only has one problem... it is not made for this cold weather. I probably have two triangular tear in line. I need to fix those. Line is working perfectly and it is great line to cast. Let's see if it is dark enough because it is almost full moon and with snow it is not really dark. I’ll try filming that also.
Have a nice weekend go fishing or at least go casting.
Mika from Finland