Bernd Ziesche | Wednesday, 31 March 2021
The older we get, the more capabilities we have to leave behind. That's life. Fly fishing makes quite a difference here, I think!
Last week for a first time within ten years I checked my weight. 83 Kg - damned couldn't believe it. Just 15 years ago I was doing sports 7 days a week (gym and training KungFu + Capoeira). That period I never hit more than 78Kg even though I was trying to by building some muscles (lifting weights).
Now those extra FIVE kilo surprisingly didn't go into my penis (I triple checked), but more or less into my belly. The next day I went for running. I chose a distance of 6,9Km for a start. Took me 38minutes. 5,5minutes per kilo is quite ok for a start out of nowhere, I think. Anyway the next morning I had some issues leaving my bed. Those issues might be called pain! Never I had that 15 years ago. Seems I am finally getting a little older maybe!?
Realising to SLOWLY loose such old capabilties, I am truly glad about what we have in fly fishing. Even in old age we still can fly cast and fly fish on a very high level. We may of course no longer climb in between heavy rocks or fish from dusk til dawn and the other way around in addition. But for sure we still can fish on an excellent high level. I am pretty sure, that this at least helps a lot to remain young in our minds, doesn't it!?
My grandmother used to say: "Becoming old is great, but being old sucks."
So I am glad, that fly fishing will most probably prevent me from being old always.
Besides all that I of course went fly fishing all week long as always. Since spring has arrived now I was chasing the first carp slowly starting to eat again after winter. Also I was fishing some final days for Zander before right now their protection time will be set for the next two month.
Hopefully you had some fine fishing as well!?
Great week to all of you!
All my best
Some pictures as always...