Fly Fishing Coastal Sea Trout

Fly Fishing Coastal Sea Trout

Bernd Ziesche | Wednesday, 6 September 2017

At the moment we are facing the Danish coast line in search of sea running Brown trout (Sea trout). We are having a great time with a fantastic group of fine people all sharing our enthusiasmn for fly fishing.

Before we startet our annual hosted fly fishing trips to the Danish coastline on Saturday I was fishing for asp still. Fair to say I again came close to hit my dream of an 80+ cm asp. Good to still have that dream though! I'll return to the asp in 2 weeks... ;)

Right now we are very busy teaching fly fishing for coastal Sea trout and everything included in that - like fly casting and tying the right flies for each situation. Yet we didn't catch too much Sea trout. The water temperature near the banks is around 18,5 ° Celsius while the deeper water further out is around 16,5° Celsius. Due to that many fine Sea trout migrate a bit out into the deeper water where we can't reach them. Hopefully we will get some colder nights soon making them return to the coast in higher numbers.

Anyway weather is great and we are having an excellent time along with a whole bunch of fly fishing enthusiasts. Live couldn't be any better!?

I hope you'll find some time fly fishing this week as well!? I have to hurry now and help to get our guests getting linked to some fine fish today. Can't wait!

Great week to all of you!

All my best


Some pictures as always...

sea running brown trout and asp