Fly Fishing ASP - Workshop

Fly Fishing ASP - Workshop

Bernd Ziesche | Wednesday, 25 July 2018

For more than 5 years I was studying all details of fly fishing for asp to now be able to run workshops about how to catch asp on fly. My first workshop went pretty well!

I caught my first asp on fly about 20 years ago. Ever since I have been fishing for them. 5 years ago I decided to offer workshops about fly fishing for asp. So I had to work out a lot of details while trying many different strategies to catch those tricky fish. It took me 5 years of intense fishing to get ready.

There are still some (almost none fished) waters available in Europe, which at times may offer some easy situations to catch asp on fly. Most waters and situations though will be about a fish that is everything, but not easy to catch. Asp belong to the family of carp. They are fast learning fish. As soon as there is some fishing pressure at them, they soon will run close to your flies but then often refuse to take it.

Last weekend I ran my first workshop on fly fishing for asp. Everyone of us did hook up with at least one proper sized asp! Based on just getting started on fishing for asp, we lost 8 pretty decent fish. One of them brook the tippet, while another one broke the hook. The other ones spit the hook.

We also were able to land some nice first asp on fly. All in all we had a great time learning the details of fishing, tying flies for asp and fly casting. Fantastic weekend for sure. Thanks a lot to all of you, guys!

Besides being in the workshop I was fishing for carp every day. Yes, some of them were willing to battle with me. Fair to say we had a very catchy week loaded with fly fishing.

The next days there might be some more fly fishing in our pipe. ;) 

Great week to all of you!

All my best


Some pictures below...

fly fishing asp workshop