Flat out fishing

Flat out fishing

Paul Arden | Monday, 29 July 2019

Graeme has really come in flying. First Snakehead was 5KG followed by one of 4.7KG. Then a free-riser of 4.3 and a smaller one just to show that it wasn’t an accident. On Saturday he hooked and lost a Gourami of ~3.5KG, on a static Popper :))) There are not a huge number of available shots at the moment, so this has been a truly excellent week - particularly so because I haven’t been on the lake for about a month and so we not only have to catch the fish but also find them first.

Interestingly the Vince Loud Mouth Popper that I mostly use has lost its tails and appears even better without them! This gives me a few ideas on what to tie next. Tonio has since joined us and will be here for the next two weeks and Ronan flies in shortly as well. Busy times are these!

I’m not sure if I can give you any brilliant insights this week, particularly because I’m squeezing this page into a busy lunchtime slot! However I’ll be back from a trip to Europe mid September and if you fancy a trip over here then please do email me on paul@sexyloops.com

I’ll be out the jungle on Tuesday night for about a day of catching up (I see there are emails to answer), Board discussions and so on. For Lee the Sexyloops rod builder it’s all business as usual.

Cheers, Paul