Fishing info

Fishing info

Mika Lappalainen | Friday, 8 February 2019

It is that time of the winter that you are starting to plan your fishing trip for next summer. I will give short info about fishing licenses and those things. It looks like complicated but it is quite simple after all. (it was even more licences few years ago). I list some basic details and give you links if you need more info.

First of all we have so called ”every man’s right” in Finland. Shortly it means that you can do thing in nature, but sometimes people ignore some facts about this. So here you have every man rights:

Everyman’s rights allow people to:

• move about on foot, ski and bicycle in

nature, such as in forests, natural meadows

and water bodies,

• ride horses,

• stay in and temporarily stay overnight in

areas where movement is also permitted,

• pick wild berries, mushrooms and

unprotected plants,

• angle and ice fish, and

• boat, swim and wash themselves in waters

and move about on ice.


Everyman’s rights do not allow people to:

• disturb the use of land by the landowner,

• move about in yards, cultivated areas or

cultivated fields,

• cut down or harm growing trees,

• take dry or fallen wood,

• take moss or lichen,

• light an open fire on another’s land,

• disturb domestic premises, for example, by

camping too close to dwellings or making noise,

• drop litter in the environment,

• drive a motorised vehicle off-road,

• disturb or damage birds’ nests or chicks,

• disturb animals, or

• hunt or fish without the appropriate permits.


Note that angle means in this context that you are fishing without reel or possibillity to cast.

More details about every man’s right


Then fishing. First you need to pay the fisheries management fee.” If you intend to fish in Finland and you are between the ages of 18 and 64 (after your 18th birthday and before the 65th), you must pay the fisheries management fee. You can pay the fee for a calendar year (45e), a week ( 7 days/15e) or for one day (6 e). The payment of this fee is not required if you are ice fishing, hook and line fishing or fishing with a simple herring rig. Payment of the fisheries management fee grants you the right to fish in nearly the entire country using one rod. Payment of the fee also grants anglers the right to recreational fishing in the Finnish economic region and in the Finnish waters in the Baltic Sea.

Paying the fisheries management fee does not grant the right to fish in all water areas. Anglers who have paid the fisheries management fee cannot fish in protected water areas, special destinations that require separate permits or in rapids and running waters with migratory fish stocks.”

fishery managemant fee

or R-kioski where they add 3 e to price.

So this basicly means that if you are 18-64 years you pay the fisheries management fee and you can fish most of still waters in Finland. If you are going to rivers or some specific still waters then you need to have permit from water owner. And this might be difficult part, some permit you can only have from private houses still. If you are planning to go fishing, please go to nearest fishing gear shop. They normally sell licenses and if not, they know where to get ones.

River licenses are between 5 to 120 euros per day and there might be some restrictions about fishery. Most of waters are around 20 e/24hours. So fishing is not so expensive if you compare some other places where you can’t have any kind of license under 50e/day.

Fishes has minimun size which you can take and it depends about latitude or waters.

These two last links are in Finnish. I could not find english ones. Which makes me sad. How to hell people can find info if it is only in Finnish and Swedish. ARRGGGGGH

So I have to admit… finding fishing info about Finland if and when you want to do it by laws and right…… It is hard to find. But it is not excuse to go like you want so find info.

if you need help you can contact me about this things.

Here you have some basic info you really need to know when coming fishing in Finland and please do so, we have great waters. You just need to find right ones and guide is helpfull for that.

Have a nice weekend

Mika from confusing Finland

Ps. No photos Laughing