Fish or fishing horny

Fish or fishing horny

Mika Lappalainen | Friday, 26 October 2018

There is difference between fish horny and fishing horny. I don’t know if you know these terms but those are straight translations from Finnish language. And this is latest time to warn you, we don’t have small talk in Finland (well we do but….), normally we say things straight. So horny might be strong word for you but…. it is more like how you say it or use it.

If you are fish horny it might be okay now and then but mostly it is not. It means that you are just after fish. Yes fishing is about catching fishes but not this way. It means that you block everything else out from your brains. Your brains are yelling fish, fish, fish… get bigger one and the biggest one. Believe me there is always bigger fish to catch. Often if you go on this mode it means that you can’t be happy about your friend’s catches. You are just envious of their catches. And worst of all you are not even able to be happy about your own fishes, because it should be bigger one or it should be fighting more. Do you recognize this?

 No sorry that was not the worst part. The really worst part is that your friend is having fishing in the spot and you go to fish same spot because you want to have those fishes. Yes. We all have been there probably, at least I have. I think that normally it is beginning of your fishing hobby when these things happens, if you have been fishing years and you are still doing it… well then you are just an asshole and stupid. Sometimes it happens “accidently” that you turn to fish horny, but just before you give final cast your brains should go back to other mode and you never set your fly. Often you give yourself excuse like, He is not able to cast to that stone, or he is not able to cast long enough.

 I don’t know if you have heard this but they say that: “When you are dead it is not problem for you, it is problem for everyone around you. Well it is same if you are an asshole (fish horny).”

If you are fishing horny, well good for you. It means that you are so in to fishing that you can sit by the river and just watch its’ flowing. Why you would be doing that instead of fishing all the time? Because you want to learn. You want to see how flow is taking things in surface so you will learn how your fly will be doing in the water. It is because you know there is always that bigger fish in the water. You know that you can enjoy everything around you, the sound of running river… well it is just so beautiful. And then when you are setting your fly in the water and really going on fishing horny. It is okay, you are so concentrate in your casting, on your fishing technique and on your presentation. It is you against the fish, who will be the clever one. You are not making any harm to your friends because you are fishing horny now. You might check now and then what your friend is doing. When he catch a fish you are happy and give congratulation to him. You might ask what fly he was using and where and how but the only purpose for you is learn more not to go in his spot. Well of course you are checking more than now and then your friend, at least I’m because I also want to see how they cast, how they make presentation. So when it is my turn to loose my inner fishing horny, I will be on the top of the game.

I told that fish horny can be good. Yes it can be good if you are fishing alone and you are still using your brains. If you find kindergarten, you should leave it and go after bigger ones. And as long you are not making harm to others you can be fish horny also. What I have seen those fish horny people are mostly fishing alone. Why? Because no one wants to fish with fish horny. It is up to you what you want to be.


Have a nice weekend and go fishing if you can

Mika from Finland

Ps. Photos as usual. Those are spots where you can easily go fish horny. In this case father and son agree to share the spot.
Pss. If you want to go deeper on finnish language, please check this

father and sonfish horny or fishing hornyfish on double
fish onfishing the hotspothotspot
sharing the spot