Finding The Big Ones

Finding The Big Ones

Bernd Ziesche | Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Right now nearly all travelling is blocked by the regulations to fight Corona. Obviously this means I have to find the FEW big fish in and around my home town. Quite an interesting challenge!

There aren't many big fish available in my home town. In addition these few big ones are well educated by high fishing pressure coming along with 420 members of our local angling club.

I need quite some time per fish and usually I have one presentation to either get a slight change to catch it or most likely spook it for the day. Excellent exercise for my fishing skills though!

Also it was pretty interesting to study all details of those big fish their yearly life cycles. When and where do they feed and when and where do they rest. In addition I now know when, where and how they spawn. I most probably spent more time studying these fish than most biologists ever did.

During the past days I was mainly chasing carp. The water temperature is still low, which means the big carp are very slowly starting to eat few small particles. That makes it hard (but not impossible) to catch them.

Besides carp fishing I was teaching fly casting. Sure we had to keep distance, but that was no problem. All students were happy with their results and the whole progress during each lesson (as was I). Looking forward to more teaching!

Hopefully you can find some great fish near your place as well or find a chance to have a good fishing trip soon!

This morning Paul was asking me "Mate, what was our max carry without hauling (MED5)?" Well, that one was quite easy to answer: Paul's carry = Bernd's carry minus 10%. ;) To be fair Paul has 10% longer carry with hauling compared to me though. My none hauled carry was around 24-25m in my prime training time. I couldn't have answered how many hours both Paul and I spent fly casting (on grass and especially fishing wise), but I know very very few people around the planet were able to do so.

Great week to all of you!

All my best


Met some fish in the last days...