Tracy&James | Thursday, 29 December 2016
Well it’s nearly the end of 2016 and we’ve had some good fishing trips both abroad and in the UK. My most memorable fish of the year has to be the 100lb+ shark I hooked in the Bahamas in April, played for 40 minutes and then lost – looking forward to my next trip in 2017 to try and get one in!
Finished the year with a few trips to the river Dee in North Wales catching grayling although the weather varied significantly as one day it was 100C and the most recent visit started at -40C and didn’t seem to warm up much at all during the day. However even though I didn’t get a take, it was still a lovely day, as it was a ‘Grayling Social’ that started off with bacon butties courtesy of the one of the regular anglers, fishing and then off to a pub. Though we sadly didn’t make it to the pub as our car decided to revolt against the harsh conditions and wouldn’t start after fishing! After a jump-start from another angler, we had to drive back to my parents to charge the car.
Here’s hoping that in 2017 we all get the opportunity to fish more and catch more
Happy New Year / Blwyddyn Newydd Dda