t.z. | Friday, 27 July 2018
eat, sleep, fish
fishing in Skålestrømmen
Konstanse and I are again fishing our favourite spot, the Skålestrømmen. The name drives from a) Skåle - a tiny village of maybe 6 houses and b) the word strømmen. Strømmen means stream. The strømmen is the connection between two big lakes, the Ulen and the Rengen. Depending on water level it has more or less current. Very nice flats one can easily wade, a deep channel which is good for boat and few deep, large pools. The insect life is rich and so is the birdlife an other animals.
The fishing itself is best at night. Nights are bright up here, the wind calms down and one can experience really epic, unforgettable moments. The fish are plenty and a very good eat. It is a bit like the scenario described in old books. The average size for the well fed trout is around 1,5 pounds. Taking them on the fly is a very good sport. These trout really fight hard.
The area Skåle is located in is also known for good moose and grouse hunting. One really has to be careful when driving. Grouse seem completely unaware of cars. The other night when driving to one of the good fishing spots we had one standing next to the car. It would not want to move. I could have literally plucked it’s feathers, which Konstanse plead me to do. she recently has developed a love for soft hackle nymphs & wet flies. She uses the feathers I gathered from a roadkill grouse a few years back.
So the days go by in a lazy but steady rhythm of eating, sleeping and fishing. We eat and sleep during the day, tie few flies, visit friends in the area and fish at night. Fantastic.
Tomorrow clients for guiding will arrive and it will be interesting how they cope. It will be good. Very good. I must say I shiver a bit when using the term “client”. To me every fisherman is a friend.
enclosed a little video of what it is like here ....
Konstanse tying and fishing ..
there is a lot of moose in the area
and they are not afraid either ...
The fly we use mostly here is the Li-Flua, my own version of a dyret / shipmans buzzer using hair from the hare from the region. I have good stock of this very special material again and can ship next week should you need som of this "fish magnet" - http://www.outdoorshop.no/?product=jurassic-artic-hare-foot-back
(c) t.z. - 2018
Written by Thomas Züllich