

Tracy&James | Wednesday, 11 December 2024

I haven't picked up a rod to fish or cast for quite a few weeks now, since I injured my knee. The weather has played a contributory role in this too, as it has either been extremely wet or windy leading to the local rivers being high. Knowing that my knee is still healing, the last thing I should do is get into a river that's running fast, as it's highly likely that I'll slip and make the injury worse.

Instead I have been focusing on starting my new consultancy business. This has also meant I have left my job, that I have been doing for over 30 years. It's all quite exciting and will mean that I can work less and do more fishing. As the first contract is in Scotland, I am looking to spending time fishing the lochs and local rivers nearby. Although I'll need to take my thermals based on my recent trip up there as I regularly had to defrost the car, even in the afternoon – it was that cold.

James has still managed to do some casting practice, weather permitting. Last weekend we had 'hurricane-like' winds and he did wonder about whether to get a 'heavy-gear' out, however we figured pretty quickly that he wouldn't be able to get a back-cast with any rod, including the T120 (although if he could he would have been certain of a massive PB). I can't remember ever experiencing this extreme of winds in North Wales; my older relatives also said this. Perhaps this is another indication of global warming and we are going to have to get used to stormy weather in the UK. Luckily we didn't experience any damage but there is some fencing down on the casting area opposite our house.

Instead of casting or fishing, James has been playing chess and honing his skills with chess puzzles and playing 'bots' as well as people on line. The puzzle game is quite fun and I occasionally have a go, though I don't play against him any more as he's way too good for me.

Hopefully in the next few weeks, I'll be back into my casting and fishing. Whatever you are doing this week, enjoy and tight-lines,

Cheers, Tracy.