Danish Fly Casting Championships

Danish Fly Casting Championships

Viking Lars | Saturday, 27 June 2015

Last weekend, we had the Danish Fly Casting Championships. As usual a very nice event in a good atmosphere and very nice conditions. Not too much wind (and it didn't shift too much during the the day) and weather was very nice.

The winner was Leif Christensen, Henrik Haupt came 2nd and Lasse came 3rd in the mens senior round.

Leif Christensen casting the 18 gram shooting head!

The competition is a combination of different distance disciplines and different presentatation and precision disciplines. And next to those there's a DH competetion.

The distance disciplines are 5-wt (S.A. Mastery ED) and 8-wt (18 grams) shooting head, which are a part of the overall championship title. The DH disciplines (which is a championship on its own) are 30 gram shootinghead with a 13' rod, and full line (Rio PwerSpey #9/10) with a 15' rod.

The precision and presentation disciplines include a standard precision course, a curve cast course (casting around a transparant plate, still need to score in rings), a course with two parallel lines, where the caster performs both straight line and slack line precisioncasts (the straight line must be kept within the parallel lines, the slack line must touch both lines) and finally a limbo course, where the caster must cast under a line to score in rings.

This gives us an all round champion, who must perform well in all disciplines. The final score is calculated in such a way that you have a slight advantage if you perform really well on the precision and presentation course, but you cannot witn if don't perform all round.

The championships are arranged by the Danish National Sports Angling Association and Federation of FlyFishers Denmark.

On behalf of both, thanks to all who participated!
