Big Fish Week

Big Fish Week

Bernd Ziesche | Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Fair to say we caught a lot of fine pike last week. Several big ones included!

Fly Fishing for German pike in Pike-land we had a blast all week long! It couldn't have been much better. Everyone caught some fine pike. Several personal best ones in between. In the best day 2 of my clients landed 3 times their personal best each of them. In that day we landed 9 big pikes and lost some more. Simply an outstanding day.

Right now it's midnight and I am pretty tired after a long fishing day and working all evening long on pictures and tying 2 flies for tomorrow.

Due to sharing all our excellent catches on my social media during the last 5 weeks I received a lot of messages by different fly fishermen asking for a proper (free) advice about where to fish. Well guys, it's not about where we catch all that fine pike. It's about HOW you need to fish.

You are free to enter my fly fishing school at any time. I am really looking forward to teach you the HOW TO then making the spot mattering much less than you may think.

Right now I need to dream away and have a proper sleep before we start again tomorrow morning. Damned, I can't wait!!! ;) 

A fine Fly Fishing week to all of you!

All my best


Some pictures of our last (catching) days...

flyfishing for pike
bernd ziesche pike fly fishing