Tracy&James | Sunday, 25 April 2021
It’s been over a year since the last BFCC event was held in Devon, the club has since been in hibernation due to the Covid pandemic. However, this week the committee members got together, via Zoom, to hold an AGM and to discuss the year ahead. Thankfully the rules in the UK are beginning to allow for a return to normality in stages, and as such, outside events with up to 30 people present will be permissible soon.
The BFCC have wasted no time and have got a venue booked for a casting event, this will be on Sunday the 30th of May at Willesborough cricket ground – a venue that has been used many times before.
I’ve spent a lot of time over the lockdown period practicing my casting. Rather than just maintaining the level I was at, I believe I’ve made improvements in all the competition events cast on a BFCC day, i.e. accuracy, #5 and #7 trout distance, ST27, salmon overhead (S55), T38 and T120. With the exception of the T120 I’ve practiced them all at some point or other – I’m hoping my S55 technique will transfer to the heavier T120 outfit. Whether that translates to bigger distances on the day will be obvious to all once the results of the first competition are in – I do have a nasty habit of not casting great in the 3 minutes that count though.
As the committee cannot be sure how this year will pan out, i.e. whether the restriction will be tightened again meaning that further events will not be possible, they decided that all club members will have their memberships renewed until 2022 (you can’t leave the BFCC even if you want to!). It was also decided that the club championship, currently held by Kei Okamoto, will only be awarded if there are at least four events in the year.
Being as places are limited, if you want to attend the Willesborough event (or other events as they are announced) then please contact Tracy to book a place.
Fishing wise, Tracy and I had another great day on the Dee yesterday. Tracy managed to finally stop catching grayling and get some of the intended species, trout. The river is very low at the moment, I hope this isn’t a sign of problems come the summer.