Antz Island

Antz Island

Mika Lappalainen | Friday, 10 May 2024

Fishing has been hard. Fish still have funny behavior, slow rise and fast dive. Satu has been few days at resort as her back went really bad.

I had few great shots, my ploplop was not so good so I had no success. Past few days I have seen few bigger fish and had bad luck with them. All big ones has suddenly rose next to the boat, we have seen each others eyes and then it has been bye bye. I have seen also some couples so maybe they have sex at the moment and have babies during the weekend when I return to the lake.

It is Monday evening when writing this one. Tuesday morning we head to the Sungai Tiang for river fishing. Satu will join also. I'm excited to see and fish the river.

Sunday we moved camp for another island, Antz Island, and it surely was as it is named. Full of ants. I fished long morning, dropped something for Satu at resort, had shower and late lunch. When arrived at island the rain arrived and we had to wait before building camp with Paul.

We got camp ready just in time and I went for evening fishing. Thunder interrupted that one and I had to return to camp. Heavy rain arrived, I was at camp and drunk some wine while waiting for rain to stop and have camp fire.

Nice camp fire eventually and to hammock. I woke up 8 am as antz started to come in.. They conquered one third of hammock. I jumped out, got my stuff and went fishing. No breakfast of anything as food box and every fucking place was full of them. 

During fishing I decided that I will go to resort for one night, have rest, see how Satu is doing and packing for river. When arrived to camp after morning fishing, I noticed that my decision was good one. I unbuilt most of the camp, had swim on Battleship and returned to resort. 

Tuesday morning we go to the river. We return from there on Saturday and then few more lake days for me. I hope Paul finds good camping island for those days. 

Have a nice weekend and go fishing!
