Viking Lars | Saturday, 7 December 2024

The answer to Life, the Universe and Everything is 42. The great problem with the answer is that no one knows the question. 1140 is another answer to which I do know the question. The number of front pages I’ve written (approximately). I did the math the other day when texting with Paul. I’ve been wondering for a long time if I would ever run out of topics?

It came about when Chris Downes, Carl Hutchinson and Paul came to Denmark to fish with me. The night before they left, Paul said: “Hey man, I’m going away to a place far, far away, so can you run Sexyloops for me for the next week?” Back then we coded everything in HTML, which was uploaded to the Sexyloops server along with PoDs and so on. I knew absolutely nothing about HTML, so I got a one hour crash course and a URL, where I could find some more information. “Alright, thanks - see you later, mate!” That’s not a bad way to learn the basics of HTML code.

That was in 2002 - that’s 22 years ago. It’s unbelievable. In the words of Frank Sinatra:

“And now, the end is near … I traveled each and every highway and much more than this,
I did it my way.

Well, OK - a bit melodramatic, but none the less, the end is not only near, it’s here. This is my last, weekly front page and now I won’t even get to see the new CMS that Paul’s having put in, because the old one, partly in Hungarian, has also seen the end. Perhaps there’s a connection?

I’ve enjoyed every single page I’ve written along with many, many other pieces, articles, reviews, covering for other writers. I’ve had a lot to say and I’m grateful for Paul for a 22 year long stint giving me the opportunity to do so. I’ll miss it and I hope I’ll still have something to say every now and then. I do have a review of a gizmo that I’ve promised so that’ll probably show up in a few weeks.

I also want to thank everyone who’s read my ramblings over the years, sometimes spawning a thread on The Board, sometimes just with private messages. Thanks!

For over two decades I’ve signed off with a “Have a great weekend”!, but to stay in the words of Douglas Adams, words which are particularly relevant here, I’ll sing off with…

“So Long - And Thanks For All The Fish”

(Have a Great Weekend too!)