Viking Lars | Saturday, 18 July 2015
When you hit it right, there's a certain rythm to a night on the reef, fishing for sea trout.
The summer is not too warm, and it's still possible to catch sea trout during the day. especially if you havea float tube or a kayak (or a boat) and can fish over deeper water. Sea trout rarely come close to shore during the day in the summer, but when dark falls, they often come close chasing shrimp, sandeel, rag worms, gammarus and other prey.
When you hit the right evening, there's a particular rythm to a night of sea trout fishing on the coast.
It's nice to arrive before dark sets in. Sometimes during the golden hour, a trout or two will chase prey over the reef, and you can get lucky. Small flies are usually best. Seeing and catching the odd garfish is not umcommon. Jumping sea trout far from shore is also a common sight.
At dusk small cod bedome very active and sometimes, there's a cod in every other cast. At this point it's best to just take a pause. Don't leave the reef, but keep an eye out for larger fish. If you're lucky, you'll see the sea trout getting closer and closer.
As dark sets in, as the sky sets on fire, it's time to sharpen the hook, the senses and start fishing. Listen carefully - you'll often hear sea trout jumping, and if you wade carefully, they'll get closer and closer, and at some point, close enough. Some nights they just don't come in close enough, and on others they do.
It's time to tie on the larger, black flies - fish them fast! I usually fish all through the night - even when it's darkest. As the morning breaks through, I often change to a smaller (even very small) fly and fish it slooowly over the reef.
A little wind and some waves are not nessecary, but certainly seems to up your chances. Calm night with a flat calm surface is not very productive.
Get out there! There's nothing like watching nature go to sleep and wake up again.
Have a nice weekend!