Fly Fishing Chinook In Chile

Fly Fishing Chinook In Chile

Bernd Ziesche | Wednesday, 18 January 2017

A serious fly fishing adventure is coming up to me right now. Can't wait!

Right now I am preparing for a fly fishing trip to Chile starting on Friday. German waters are pretty much frozen these days - so I am very happy to travel far away. To catch one Chinook salmon is what I am hoping for. I will be fishing near the entry of a beautiful river in the middle of nowhere. Most Chinook in that area are big, strong and silver. To release just one would seriously make my trip!

I have prepaired all kind of different flies matching all the situations I may be facing best possible. Then I will have a Skagit outfit offering all kind of sinktips - long and short ones in many different sink rates. In addition I am having several different poly leaders in my bag.

Can't wait for the trip to start! :)

Usually I don't like to have more than 5 different patterns in my fly box. Since I have never fished for Chinook yet I decided to better have some very different flies available and finally ended up in 3 boxes holding a lot of flies. I guess most of you know pretty well what I am talking about!?
Not catching a fish is ok, but not catching one based on missing the right fly or even worse the right fly line is inacceptable for me. The fish can't be planned but the equipment can.

I am ready now and feeling like a young boy waiting for his first fishing trip to start. Damned, what a great feeling!
Hopefully you'll have a fantastic fly fishing trip in store as well!?

Great week to all of you and a HUGE thanks to Ernst making this trip possible for me. Man, I could not do this without YOUR help!

All my best

Last days we were teaching fly casting and tying flies for Chile....

flyfishing chinook