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Picture of the Day
The Adventures of the Pink Psycho - The Abduction of Daniel

Daniel's gone fishing with my camera so I can't show you the fantastic pic I was planning for today, so instead and in keeping with this week's theme, which roughly translates, "are super realistic imitations bollocks?" as chosen by Magnus, here are my three most successful general backcountry flies as fished as a hedged bet. Far right: Backward hackle Royal Fuckup #12/14. Middle: Tungsten nymphet also a 12 or a 14 (I think it's a short shank 12 but you don't have to be as pedantic about this as I am - remember I'm a professional). Far Left: Olive sparkly nymphet thing which I invented. 16/18ish. These flies are the dog's bollocks in the backcountry. The RFU is tied 12-13 ft from the mainline (this allows you to give the fish lead/hook the presentation). The tungsten around 6ft from the dry and the trailer tied off the bend by around 10 inches. If I need more depth I often stick a shot between the two nymphs. Sometimes the Tungsten plop will spook the fish (in flat shallow water) in which case I replace that with a Cove PT (sinks quickly/no plop). Obviously I debarb before fishing.

Edited by Paul

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