Here at Sexyloops we try to think out of the box.
For quite a while we have been thinking in terms of a beginners section.
I could just have written a book on the subject, and then posted it up on site,
but this is the WWW and that would have been boring.
Flyfishing and learning how to flyfish are interesting things to do,
and anything appearing in Sexyloops should reflect this.
When Karen became involved in Sexyloops, as the 'official' photographer, it was thought that here is an opportunity too good to miss.
Karen is now the Sexyloops pupil and the inspiration behind The Experience.
Karen has never flyfished before, but has bait fished regularly.
The section will evolve in real time as she learns and improves.
Her lessons will appear on site. Everything I teach her will be written down and posted here. These are her lessons.
As she learns she will take notes. These notes will be cross-referenced to my notes.
This in itself should prove a fascinating exercise.
Her misunderstandings will cause me to look at the way I teach,
the things I say, and should attempt to bridge that gap between what I as an instructor
take for granted, and of what Karen, as a pupil has absolutely no grasp.
Her questions, her mistakes and her thoughts will all go into this section.
As will mine. As an instructor it is important to be able to alter my teaching to the suite the individual.
People learn differently. I hope to be able to convey this observation in these pages.
The intention is to create something with which a beginner can learn and improve.
Which raises the question; is it actually possible for someone to learn and improve their flyfishing by reading something on the Internet?
The communication between instructor and pupil is not through speech alone.
When teaching flycasting I often train pupils by physically directing their casting stroke.
How can Sexyloops deal with this?
What is needed is an online pupil. And so we have one of these too.
Webmaster Steve is a complete novice flyfisherman.
Steve lives in France and works in Switzerland.
I am teaching Karen in Australia. You can't get much further apart than this.
Steve is going to try and improve his flycasting and fishing simultaneously with Karen.
He will do this by reading the lessons and through email.
Our interactions will also appear in the lessons, along with his thoughts.
Although the success of this venture could be viewed in terms of an end result
(i.e. both Karen and Steve becoming experts and going on to become instructors and Troutgods:-)),
everyone involved is far more concerned with the actual learning process itself.
It's the 'walking of the path' that matters, not where it ends.
Indeed, there is no end; all we have is a beginning.
This is The Experience.
Oh and it might get a little complicated...
Let's Begin