New Man Camp today. Had to find another since they turned my last one into a gravel pit. Different river, different view, but an awesome place with mobile coverage, good supplies of wood, superb morning and evening fishing and for once it's not raining. Two days of summer, by what, January the 4th, and you know what will happen? We'll get a tropical summer for the next three weeks and everyone will forget about the first two months. Cool huh? It never happened. And even if it did we don't care now because it's summer.
So anyway, Man Camp, yep it's a good one, maybe one of my best. It's nice to be right on the river, but it's also cool to be on a hill overlooking the river. Sort of reminds me of my Man Camp on Hebgen, Montana - but that's illegal there so not so relaxing.
Only two fish landed today, although lost a few others, while fishing with Guy. I had a seven and a half pound brown, check out the Enlightenment, and a five and a half pound brown. Guy had more but smaller. Sorry Rich, I forgot the tape measure.
Gotta tie some flies, Guy and I both got caught out on an early afternoon rise.