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Picture of the Day
The Adventures of the Pink Psycho

OK, for Rich... worked on emails, PODs and Carlos' page for most of the day, then took me rod and walked on down da river. It was high but clear. Fish still tucked into the banks.
Fish number one, bit of a firecracker, three pounds, on a #18nymph on the edge of a current, no great fishing skill.
Fush number two, three and a half, saw its tail sticking out from behind a clump of grass, dropped the nymphs in tight to the bank, fish swung out and took. Nice moment and a bit of a technical firefight when he took off for an underwater obstruction.
Fish three: very difficult cast through a gap in reeds, fish nailed a dry fiery sedge. Four and a half.
Fish number four: three and a half on a dry firefly tucked into the bank in the dark.
Nothing exceptional. Was really looking for a big fish from the spring creek and spent a good hour mouse fishing. Some nice moments; it's all about moments [my answer to Snapcast].
One for the carnivores: this is one of the best Spring Creeks in the South Island, regularly produces 8 to 10 pound fish and there are cows all over and in it. Is it too much to ask to string up an electric wire?

Edited by Paul

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