Winter storm

Winter storm

Mika Lappalainen | Friday, 2 February 2024

Sunday we had first zoom lesson from Yoda. We have permission ro use horse hall now and then, basically once a week mostly Saturday or Sunday.

Satu had first her lesson and then I had mine. You could say some basics to both us. It was good reminder and some great tips from Paul. No wonder that feedback about his zoom lessons are overhelming. My issue is that most of the things are saved in my computer, some call them brains. The thing is that it is not on muscles yet.

Satu is really easily overthinking and then her casting is falling apart. Our casting should be so natural that we don't have a think about it, then we can concentrate on fishing. When I'm fishing, I don't have problems about casting, because I'm not thinking about it.

When I'm training.... I'm easily thinking too much and I have difficulties to get flow. There is simple solution to get flow on.... Do warm up, play with line, make some simple drills and then main practise what ever you have planned.


This week "winter storm" has gone over Finland, we had heavy wind, I mean 10 m/s or 20 knots which you prefer. I decided after lesson that I will have at least 15 minutes training each day.

Monday I skipped on purpose, we watched recording from lesson and made some notes. Starting from Tuesday I have done about 30 minute training each day. I put rod ready and it is in garage and each day before I come inside after working day, I took rod and have practise in our yard. I have about 30 meter long spot where to cast on our yard. It has been allready dark every day when casting so I had to use headlight to see line etc. It has been fun, I have been listening rock music and casting.


Wind has been heavy, problem is that wind has been from south/right side. My casting area is splitted by yard road and  Wind is blowing along road so when line goes thru wind is really taking the line. Temperature has been -1/30, so it is not problem in anyhow. I have been able to do about 30 minutes even 40 minutes training without gloves before line hand start to get chilly. 

I think there has been nice improvement on casting, but that I will really see tomorrow if I'm able to do training during daylight as planned and take some videos. Wind should be calm down on Friday, so I hope Satu will do some training also. Weather might get colder but not extremely so no problem on that. I have cooking by the fire tomorrow evening for guests again.

I'm not sure if you have played card with Paul, and how good he is on that. For me it looks like that he should train his poker face.


Have a nice weekend!

Mika from stormy Finland.

Ps. Storm was much stronger in Norway and Sweden, we only had tail after them.
