The Half-Windsor

The Half-Windsor

Easterncaster | Thursday, 9 April 2015

Possible other titles for this FP:
3. Dress For Success.
4. Not Neoprene!!
2. Half Man, Half Guide.
5. Please, That's Mr. Instructor To You.
1.When Is Dry Cleaning a Tax Deduction For a Fly Casting Instructor?

My good pal RobC (Orvis NYC fly shop manager) asked me to assist him in putting on a friendly fly casting competition + demonstration for some members of The Racquet and Tennis Club.  I said yes of course, as the list of fun things to do indoors with a fly rod while waiting for spring to arrive is a short one. This certainly makes that list.  A cool gig, in a cool location, with some cool people. 

Just as with any casting competition held anywhere else, casters scored below their skill level, and ran through the course way too fast which plays a large part in ruining one's score. We also had a lot of fun which thankfully lasted through out the evening.

From a casting competition stand point, people are people, club or no club. When they step in the box things change, the horizon line bends, nerves jump, the stars misalign and suddenly the fly acquires an opinion. This I know of, from my own experience in competitions dealing with 'Boxitis" (thanks Larry). With a couple of tournaments under my belt, guidance from friends (am I allowed to drop another name? thanks Steve) as well as some conscience effort on my part, Boxitis is loosening it's annoying score robbing grip. Boxitis = Buck Fever? ... it's a thing of the way, w a a y  past when fishing.

I thought to write and report on the competition and how it affected the casters. To a slim extent I have, but I can not get away from the simple fact that I wore a sports jacket and necktie to cast a fly. It was a first for me. A Jacket-n-Tie while fly casting! I liked it. There I said it. I like how it connected me to people I so admire, to the black and white photographs of Joan in her dress and Lefty in his sports jacket and necktie, each doing their thing. Lovely images, strong images. They were front and center the other night. 

Looking forward to next time when I'll be wearing a suit. Dress for success, prepare for your best.

Racquet 1

Racquet 3

photo credits: Rob Ceccarini