sunday again...

sunday again...

Daniela Misteli | Sunday, 13 May 2018

Because I destroyed my knee a little bit I'm now sitting at my vise instead of sitting at a beautiful veranda in Sweden, with a view to a nice lake. But it doesn't matter, my knee will be better soon and the lake won't move to somewhere else... The good thing is, I can take a look at mother nature's circle: the pigeons are raising a ugly funny feather ball right in front of the house and the baby foxes are playing around outside their home for the first few times... the first thunderstorms of the years are here...

and so my week started with a destroyed frontwindow of our car... good thing if you have a insurance :) But the good news was, I've been winning another flytying competition in Germany and got a 3 day fishing licence for two persons at a river in Austria - what a nice price!! Really looking forward to that trip!


But the rain was good for our small stream in front of our house and it's quite impressive what a nice trout came out of a 20cm deep pool:

Our trout is still quite deep in the pool, so i was playing around with some intruder styled streamers. For me the small hook at the end is at this time of the year really important. First reason, because I destroy the hooks at the stones and I'm happy to have the chance to change them but more because I lose less fish.

