

t.z. | Friday, 9 March 2018

Stockholm next ... I'm a bit in hurry packing for the Sports Fishing Fair 2018 at Stockholm Fair 16-18 March
Sportfiskemässan is the largest fair in Sweden in sports fishing. Here people meet with common interests to watch news, try out activities, compete, watch boats and book fishing trips. The fair has strong partners in companies, organizations and schools. In addition, the fair has ambitions to increase interest in sport fishing and promote fishing.

Welcome to this year's Sportfiskemässa, which will take place at Stockholm Stock Exchange on 16-18 March

Last year we hit a new record at Elmia and had 14 821 visitors! Over the years, the exhibition has grown both in terms of exhibitors and visitors and is now the sporting industry's big annual event / industry event where "everyone" is participating!

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on a side note - I'll be hosting a weeks fly fishing fun @Skålestrømmen in Norway. Sign up quickly, there's only 6 rods total - here's the link