SA crew visit...

SA crew visit...

Bruce Richards | Tuesday, 14 April 2015

I mentioned this in an earlier FP, but a crew from Scientific Anglers came to visit Montana last month. I'd like to think it was just to see me, but not..... Our European sales staff was in town for some other meetings, it just made sense. In spite of my efforts, I was dragged into some of the meetings, I was hoping to be involved in the social stuff... But we did have time to fish, weather was nice, fish fairly cooperative...

I worked for Scientific Anglers for many years when it was owned by 3M. 3M is a great company, but they don't know how to have fun. Maybe it was just because most of the products 3M makes and sells aren't much fun, but necessary. Working in the factory every day was fun, great folks there, but when travelling with other 3M folks, there wasn't much fun, all business. That's fine I guess, but I like the way things are now much better. Orvis owns SA now and they DO know how to have fun, while working a lot at the same time.

I'm leaving for the airport in a few minutes to go to the EWF show near Munich, don't have time to write more. But here are some photos from the more enjoyable parts of the SA crew visit. I know this now Sunday, last day of the EWF show, but if you're in the area, swing by and say hi. After the show we're going fishing for a few days, hopefully next Sunday I'll have some stories and photos...