t.z. | Friday, 23 March 2018
Ovipositing — Ovi what???
OK again … say in one word ovipositing - it from ova- ‘egg’ + Latin posit- ‘placed’ (from the verb ponere). That’s what insects do with an organ called Ovipositor. Google it, but it’s not for the faint hearted.
Mayflies and Caddis do this when dancing on the water. They often carry a rather obvious egg ball with them. Some fly fishers call this “trigger spot” when included in a fly design. However, using such terms like ovipositing, abundance, habitat etc. adds to your street credit around a fly-fishers campfire.
Besides the academic nomenclature, it is actually a trigger for the fish. Another positive side effect is that tying an egg ball with floss makes it much easier to set the tail fibres correctly and spread them as much as possible, so they can function as outriggers and give the fly more stability on the water.
The fly is tied parachute style. I find this type of fly superior to conventionally hackled flies. A parachute fly sits always correctly on the water. The body is slightly submerged in the water’s surface film, which is another important trigger.
Enjoy another hi-speed video.
The video below is in very hi-speed to keep it under the one minute instagram limit for video. I find these hi-speed vids interesteing for various reasons. It's amazing how much information can be communicated in such a short period and it allows for watching the process several times in a very short amount of time. Subconcious learning is something I like very much. I personally have a hard time following long explanations, but learn very quick by just watching a process in real time. The videos in the iBook are very close to real time, and are around 3 minutes in average. On top they feature undertext.
The shown pattern is part of the book, but be aware of the "extra speed" due to the instgram time limit. As said, the vids in the book are on real time, not on "coke".
(c) t.z. - 2018
on a side note - I'll be hosting a weeks fly fishing fun @Skålestrømmen in Norway.
Sign up quickly, there's only 6 rods total - here's the link http://www.skalestrommen.no/?p=263&lang=en
Written by Thomas Züllich
Thomas is the author of "Fly Tying - Modern Classics for Trout and Grayling which is availbale on iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/id1333532292